1098-T Tax Information

Electronic consent for 1098-T

Jamestown Community College has partnered with Heartland ECSI, offering you the opportunity to receive your 1098-T Tuition Statement electronically this year. If you would like to receive your 1098-T form electronically, please give your consent. 1098-Ts will be provided by the end of January.

If you choose to receive a paper copy of your 1098-T statement, simply do nothing.

您的电子1098-T可以比传统邮寄过程更早地访问表单,并消除了1098-T丢失的可能性, misdirected, or delayed during delivery. 你可以在旅行或出差时收到1098-T表格.

How to sign up

  1. Go to heartland.ecsi.net/index.main.html#/access/eConsent
  2. Sign up for Electronic Statements by entering your student ID, name, and e-mail address. Your student ID is your JCC ID (starting with an uppercase J), not your SSN. You will be given the option to include an alternate e-mail address, but this is not necessary to complete the sign up process. ECSI's website is a secure website and ECSI will not share your private information with anyone. This email is strictly sent to gather your consent for receiving an electronic 1098-T Form.
  3. Read information, check box, and click submit. If you signed up last year to receive your 1098-T electronically from JCC, your 1098-T will automatically be sent to you electronically unless you revoke the authorization. 您应该检查您最初设置的电子邮件帐户,以确保它仍然是您希望ECSI使用的电子邮件.
  4. Not all students will receive a 1098-T this year. 收到1098-T的实际人口在官方处理完成之前是不知道的.

If you have any questions, visit ecsi.net/taxinfo.html for information regarding your tax documents and to obtain contact information for ECSI.

New reporting method effective 2018

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) started in 2018, 要求学院和大学在1098-T上报告“在日历年内从所有来源收到的符合条件的学费和相关费用的总金额减去任何报销或退款”. 1098-Ts must be issued in January of each year for the previous tax/calendar year. JCC报告在当前日历年度收到的合格学费和相关费用的付款.

请注意,个人纳税情况的责任完全取决于纳税人, and JCC cannot take any responsibility for your interpretation of this information. 如果您有任何疑问或需要进一步的帮助,请联系您的税务顾问或参考 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Publication 970.

What is a Form 1098-T and why do I need one? 所有符合条件的教育机构必须提交1098-T表格,向美国国税局(IRS)报告JCC在上一个日历年度向您收取的金额 .1098-T的目的是帮助您和/或您的税务专业人员确定您是否有资格获得教育税收抵免. 请注意,您的1098-T表格可能不提供您确定是否有资格获得税收抵免和扣除所需的所有信息. 是否有资格获得任何税收优惠取决于您的个人事实和情况,JCC不能为您提供任何税务建议.

When will I receive my 1098-T? For those who opt to access their 1098-T forms electronically, forms will be available sometime prior to January 31. For those opting to receive a paper form, 1098-Ts will be mailed by January 31 to qualifying students’ permanent addresses.


Step 1: Website: http://heartland.ecsi.net/index.main.html#/access/eConsent

Step 2: Signup for Electronic Statements by entering your Student ID (not SSN!), Name, and Email Address (with the option to include an alternate email address). ECSI's website is a secure website and ECSI will not share your private information with anyone. This email is strictly sent to gather your consent for receiving an electronic 1098-T Form.

Step 3: Read information, check box, and click submit.

Once you opt-in to receive your 1098-T electronically, you will receive an email from ECSI with instructions on how to access.

Where can I obtain additional information about this form? You should refer to IRS tax form 8863 and Publication 970 when completing your forms. If you are experiencing difficulty completing the form, JCC urges you to contact your accountant, tax preparer, or the Internal Revenue Service regarding the application of this form to your taxes. Employees of JCC cannot provide tax advice.

Is this form a bill? No, it is not a bill nor a request for payment.

Is this form a source of income that I must include on my tax forms? No, 此表格是在当前日历年度支付的合格学费和相关费用的声明. However, while not an income reporting form, 如果奖学金和助学金超过了合格的费用,那么这可能被认为是可报告的收入. You should consult your tax advisor to make this determination.

How is the amount determined? See How do I read a 1098-T Form – Box 1 below.

How do I read my Form 1098-T? Below is a sample form and descriptions for boxes 1-10.

sample IRS form

  • Box 1. 请注意,方框1是JCC在本年度收到的符合条件的学费和相关费用扣除退款的款项. Not all charges are qualifying.
  • Box 2. Will be blank. However, qualifying charges are detailed on your Banner account. 在确定合格的学费和相关费用时,包括或不包括以下类别的费用:
    • Included charges: Tuition, general college fees, special class fees, course/lab fees, technology fee, student activity fee
    • Not included charges: Fines, health insurance premiums/health fee, credit by exam/prior learning credit fee, tuition installment plan fee, room and board charges, course related books and equipment, registration fees paid for non-credit courses, phys ed lab fee
  • Box 3. Our reporting method did not change for reporting payments.
  • Box 4. Adjustments made for a prior year are detailed on your Banner account.
  • Box 5. 此框包含JCC在日历年内管理和处理学生帐户的所有奖学金的总和. Scholarships that pay for tuition (qualified scholarships) as well as for housing, books, and other expenses (non-qualified scholarships) will be included in this amount. 学费减免和从第三方收到的用于学生账户的教育费用都包括在这个方框中. 日历年度的奖学金或助学金金额可能会减少您申请的年度教育学分金额.
  • 表格1098-T的第6栏报告了对前一年表格1098-T第4栏中报告的奖学金或助学金进行的调整. 方框6中报告的数额表示上一历年报告的奖学金或助学金的减少. 框6中报告的奖学金或助学金调整金额可能会影响您可以申请上一年度的任何允许的学费和费用减免或教育信贷的金额. 
  • Box 7. 如果框1中报告的金额包括当年学生账户支付的学费或符合条件的金额,则将选中此框,以用于从下一个日历年开始的一个学期的合格学费或费用. For example, 今年12月为即将到来的春季支付的款项将报告在您当前的1098-T上. Box 7 will be checked to indicate that this is the case.
  • Box 8. 显示你是否被认为至少承担了你在报告机构学习课程的一半的正常全职工作量. 如果你是一年中至少一个学期的半日制学生, you meet one of the requirements for the American opportunity credit. You do not have to meet the workload requirement to qualify for the lifetime learning credit.
  • Box 9. Shows whether you are considered to be enrolled in a program leading to a graduate degree, graduate-level certificate, or other recognized graduate-level educational credential. This box will be blank.
  • Box 10. 显示保险公司报销或退还合格学费和相关费用的总额. This box will be blank.

Who do I contact if I think the information is incorrect? 重要的是要记住,这个表格上的金额包括JCC在一个日历年评估的费用. Contact the Business Office at 716.338.1003.

I’m a parent. Can I have my student’s 1098-T form sent to me? Students must make all information requests. 学生有责任根据FERPA(家庭教育隐私权法案)向其他方提供信息。. http://www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html.

Can I access my 1098-T online? To retrieve your 1098-T electronically you must opt-in.

If you have any general questions, please visit http://www.ecsi.net/taxinfo.html for information regarding your tax documents and to obtain contact information for ECSI. If you have any questions regarding the information on your 1098-T, please contact your school at 716.338.1003. If you experience trouble with your web login, please feel free to contact ECSI at 866.428.1098. Neither your school nor ECSI can answer tax questions, you must contact your tax professional.

Remember, by acknowledging that you are receiving this form electronically, a hard copy form will not be mailed to you. However, you can go to the website as often as needed to retrieve a copy.

为什么我没有任何推荐几个足彩外围app1098-T表格的信息,或者我从来没有收到过1098-T表格的邮件? JCC is not required to file Form 1098-T or furnish a statement for:

  • ​If your billed amounts consisted of only non-credit courses, even if the student is otherwise enrolled in a degree program.
  • International (foreign) students who are not U.S. residents for tax purposes (who have not been in the U.S. less than 5 years).
  • Students classified as non-resident aliens.
  • If you paid for your enrollment fees, but dropped all your classes and received a refund during that calendar year, then you would not receive a Form 1098-T.
  • If your address on record is out-of-date, your Form 1098-T may have been returned.

Why do my records not match the tuition and fee payments reflected on my Form 1098-T? When reviewing your records, 请考虑实际注册日期,以便与表格上的金额相符. 1098-T表格反映了在日历年内为符合条件的学费和费用支付和退款. The following expenses do not qualify as tuition and related expenses for community colleges: 1) Remote Registration Fee; 2) books; 3) parking permits; 4) housing.